Friday, March 23, 2012

Help with a(n) MSSQL error

Log SQL Server (Current - 2/5/2007 2:00:00 AM)

Source spid90

Replication-Replication Merge Subsystem: agent 0042007B-0032-0042-3700-390038004400 failed. The reconciler process was stopped because the Subscriber that initiated the synchronization is no longer connected. If this failure continues, restart the Merge Agent with higher value for -InternetTimeout.

Any help would be appreciated!

This is a replication error, as I'm sure you can tell from the message. It sounds like the partner in replication couldn't be reached, so that's where you should start.

There are a few places you can check on this error, starting with Books Online and "Troubleshooting Replication".

Also, edit the merge agent job step and add these parameters:

-OutputVerboseLevel 2 -Output EnterYourFileName

Then run the merge agent job again and look the error details in the output file. You'll find more detail there.

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