Hi i am New to ssis and Scripting in ssis what i was trying to do was to compare few variables which i populate using execute sql tasks and determine which process needs to kick off based on Task success or Failure
are the variables i am populating Mapping them to result set in execute sql task.
This is the criteria for script task to Fail or success
I am not able to populate the varibales with the Values from Execute Sql and also i am encountering errors in the script task.
I am Declaring ex: myvar11 as variables and then using it , please help me as i am new and guide me for the right approach. and can this logic be implemented in ssis for example like && operator used in script.
End IF
I've done something similar to this, albeit much simpler.
I created an Execute SQL task to select a single row from a table.
In the SQL Task Editor, General, I specified ResultSet = Single row, SQLSourceType = Direct Input, and entered the Select SQL in the SQLStatement field.
In the Result Set pane, I mapped the Result Names to the Variable Names using 0 for column1, 1 for columnn 2 etc.
Then in the Precedence Constraint Editor, I selected Evaluation Operation = Expression and Constraint, Value = Success, and entered my expression using the Variable Names.
The result of the expression controls the conditional execution of one of the two following data flows
|||We have done something similar in a script task, you should be able to call the required variables using something similar to below
If Dts.Variables("gvMedSumFileMode".ToString() = "P" && Dts.Variables("gvMedSumFileType").ToString() = "U" then
if cint(Dts.Variables("gvMedSumFileVolu
|||Dts.Task.Result = success
Dev2624 wrote:
Hi i am New to ssis and Scripting in ssis what i was trying to do was to compare few variables which i populate using execute sql tasks and determine which process needs to kick off based on Task success or Failure
me gvMedCtrlFileVol
ume gvMedSumSuppleme
ntNumber gvMedCtrlSupplem
entNumber are the variables i am populating Mapping them to result set in execute sql task.
This is the criteria for script task to Fail or success
If myvar11("gvMedSumFileMode").ToString = "P" && myVar12("gvMedSumFileType")
.ToString = "U" Then If CType(myVar13("gvMedSumFileVolu
me").Value, Integer) = CType(myVar14("gvMedCtrlFileVol ume").Value, Integer) + 1 Then
DTS.Task .Result = successelse
if CType(myVar13("gvMedSumFileVolu
me").Value, Integer) = CType(myVar14("gvMedCtrlFileVol ume").Value, Integer) && CType(myVar15("gvMedSumSuppleme ntNumber").Value, Integer) = CType(myVar16("gvMedCtrlSupplem entNumber").Value, Integer) + 1 then
DTS.Task .Result = success
DTS.Task .Result = Failure
End if
End ifelse
DTS.Task .Result = failure
I am not able to populate the varibales with the Values from Execute Sql and also i am encountering errors in the script task.
I am Declaring ex: myvar11 as variables and then using it , please help me as i am new and guide me for the right approach. and can this logic be implemented in ssis for example like && operator used in script.
End IF
I agree with the first answer; using expressions in the precedence constratint is the best way to 'direct' the traffic in your control flow, as they are easier to maintain and implement. Make sure you research on 'Precedence constraints'.|||
When you are using DTS.Variables are you writing them in the main page of script task under readonly Variables or declaring the variables as MyVariables is the right approach, also the Previous reply to this that i have followed the same method and trying to populate the variables , Can you please guide me as to how can we use these as expressions(in my case)
where conditions are for ex if varx="p" && vary="u"
then if varz= varc+1 success
or other case is if varx="p" && vary="u"
then if varz=varc
if varg=varh+1
how do we acheive these conditions in expressions.
|||Also when i am trying to use && to evaluate both the variables at once it is not allowing me to do it , its throwing an error as expression expected .The questions i might ask might be trivial to you but please help me as i am a newbie and learning the steps ..
also is cint is the right word since the variable gvmedsumfilevolume is int in type. and i am trying to compare two integer values in the expression.
|||Sorry I was getting confised between c# and vb.net. Below is the correct code, the variables that you are using within the script must also be placed in the "ReadOnlyVariables" property on the "Script Task Editor" > "Script" page. They should be in the format
Note that there are no gaps between the commas and the next variable. Not sure if this is a bug but we found that it would ignore the remaining variables if spaces were included.
If Dts.Variables("gvMedSumFileMode").Value.ToString() = "P" And Dts.Variables("gvMedSumFileType").Value.ToString = "U" Then
If CInt(Dts.Variables("gvMedSumFileVolume").Value.ToString()) = CInt(Dts.Variables("gvMedCtrlFileVolume").Value.ToString()) + 1 Then
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
If CInt(Dts.Variables("gvMedSumFileVolume").Value.ToString()) = CInt(Dts.Variables("gvMedCtrlFileVolume").Value.ToString()) And _
CInt(Dts.Variables("gvMedSumSupplementNumber").Value.ToString()) = CInt(Dts.Variables("gvMedCtrlSupplementNumber").Value.ToString()) + 1 Then
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure
End If
End If
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure
End If
|||You should be using the variabledispenser... BEWARE :-)
|||This is the code that i am using and the task is failing is this the right way to do this . I am populating the variables using sql direct input and mapping them into the result set.
Variable names have changed and made these changes in the code. Please tell me how to resolve this
MedSumFileMode String
MedSumFileType String
MedSumFileVolume int32 rest all variables are type int32.
|||Dev, please share the error message. That would help, don't you think?
Also, You don't want LockOneForWrite unless you're only working with one variable. In this case you're not, so you'll want to use LockForWrite instead. If you're not writing to the variables, use LockForRead. Search for examples, but for starters:
Code Snippet
Dim vars As Variables
If vars("MedSumFileMode").Value.ToString = "P" And vars("MedSumFileType").Value.ToString = "U" Then.......
Dim vars As Variables
If vars("MedSumFileMode").Value.ToString = "P" And vars("MedSumFileType").Value.ToString = "U" Then.......
when i use this it highlights an error saying too many arguments Public SubLock For Read(variable As String)
If i use Dim vars As Variables
the error goes away. is this the right approach.
ill post back with the error details
Dev2624 wrote:
Dim vars As Variables
Dts.VariableDispenser.GetVariables(vars)If vars("MedSumFileMode").Value.ToString = "P" And vars("MedSumFileType").Value.ToString = "U" Then.......
when i use this it highlights an error saying too many arguments Public SubLock For Read(variable As String)
Yep, I'm not quite awake yet this morning.
Code Snippet
Dim vars As Variables
If vars("MedSumFileMode").Value.ToString = "P" And vars("MedSumFileType").Value.ToString = "U" Then.......
The element cannot be found in a collection. This error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during execution of the package and the element is not there.
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variables.get_Item(Object index)
at ScriptTask_08359122705d4affbf377ddc743eea59.ScriptMain.Main() in dts://Scripts/ScriptTask_08359122705d4affbf377ddc743eea59/ScriptMain:line 30
this is the error .
Dim vars As Variables
If vars("MedSumFileMode").Value.ToString = "P" And vars("MedSumFileType").Value.ToString = "U" Then.......
The problem with this method is that the vars collection does not take the string name of the variable it will only take the index of the variable, hence the code becomes difficult to read
If vars(0).Value.ToString = "P" And vars(1).Value.ToString = "U" Then.......
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